Industria Felix Award for Tesar

Subbiano Arezzo, Italy, March 2021 It is with great pleasure that we want to inform you that Tesar S.r.l. has been awarded as one of the best performing and reliable companies in the Lazio, Tuscany and Umbria regions. The award was presented by the „Industria Felix, Italy that competes“ Group, an authoritative association of the Italian industrial sector, sponsored by equally authoritative banks, universities, newspapers and financial rating agencies.

The High Honors, reserved for the best management performances, are assigned for each province and region, on the basis of objective criteria with regard to financially reliable companies, considered solvent or safe with respect to the Cerved Group Score Impact.

Specifically, Tesar was awarded by Cerved for being among the best under-40-run companies for management performance and financial reliability, with a registered office in the Tuscany region. Soon, Tesar will be able to receive the Felix Industry blue quality mark of competitiveness and financial reliability.

”We are very proud to have deserved the Industria Felix Budgetary Performance High Honor, I would express my sincere thanks to all Tesar Team and R&S Group Management for this great achievement!” – Matteo Angiolini, Managing Director and CEO at Tesar Italy

About Tesar
Tesar is part of the Swiss-based R&S Group, a leading provider of electrical infrastructure products in key markets around the globe. With manufacturing facilities and offices in Europe, the Middle East and South America, R&S is a major supplier of transformers and switches for customers in the utility, industry, and infrastructure sectors.